
I'm known to be a relaxer. To be a relaxer you must constantly want to "relax". Maybe not constantly, but definitely more than half the time... which is exactly me. So instead of a crazy filled evening like most 22 year olds' would be having, I will sit in at enjoy board games/cards with some friends and enjoy the remainder of my case of Chuck. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being crazy and dancing and making a fool of myself... but this week has been tiring and I only get a one day weekend as I switch into a Monday-Friday school schedule. (Which if I could describe how excited I am in words about this switch it would look something like "F*%@*!!Ljm&") I will FINALLY get a real weekend to enjoy in any way I choose.

Also I am bailing on one of my friend's Ryan who came into town on business, tonight. I will however make time for us to meet up for lunch or something tomorrow.

Direct TV came this morning to set up our cable. An exciting day at our household, if anyone was here to actually answer the door. Kendra's in Vegas, Christine's at her home town this week, and Joe was sleeping while I was at school. No pretty cable box was sitting in my room when I got home :( I am now without my weekly shows and HBO/Showtime for who knows how long. Hopefully I'll survive through this ... hehehe ...


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