
It's funny when you find out that people are actually reading your blog. I assumed that some were, but recently I find out some of my great friends and family are still reading it. It makes me super happy because I remember that I still have friends that care about me at home. I was never worried about my family caring, but still. So a short shout out to:
Mom, Tisleen, Sarah, Bud, Kendra.

I'm sure there are more, or I'd like to hope, but those are all for now.

Today the Hawkeyes did so good against Georgia Tech. I was so proud to say that I am a Hawkeye. Even though I never graduated.. after two years of college you are an Alum... F yeah.

Tomorrow I will be making my first call back to my ex. It was his birthday today, and regardless of all the shit, it is still his birthday. I have never missed ANY of my friends birthdays.. and even some that aren't my friends. It will be weird to talk tomorrow, just because it's been such a long time. There will be NO talk of my personal life, and if I'm on my way to school, I wont have much time to get into detail anyways. Now I'm off to finish some more vodka and drink anything i can find :)

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