
this will be long... that's what she said

This weekend I enjoyed a B.W. (before work) drunk adventure that ended with a lost phone and somehow making it back to Scott's house and breaking in. I do magical things when I'm drunk, and this time was no different. Sadly, I am now left without a cellular device (again) and a hangover that lasted for more than a day. It was the last hoorah until I started into my new life A.W. (after work) similar to how life started before and after Christ.

I must not get ahead of myself... After me getting hit by a car, I have a large sized bruise that grows in size daily. It is placed nicely on the side of my calf. In school today I was even given a Victory for "not dying from getting hit by a car"... Thanks Chris.

I am mentally going a million miles a minute... physically?... I'm dead on my bed, almost. I just started my new job (YIPPIE!) yesterday and was completely overwhelmed. I wasn't really told what I was to wear/bring/do except be there at 5pm on Monday. This is tricky for someone like me, because although I wish I could claim otherwise, I love rules and when I'm told what to do. Now this is only for things such as work/school... life can suck it if I am told what I can/can't do. It was crazy realizing I know nothing of the Italian language and since this is an Italian restaurant, I could be in some trouble.

Luckily, I've found myself in a deep set of concentration. I will get all of those silly words and even possibly pronounce them right. I think I have over 50 flash cards and now a brain full of delicious food I have never tried. Except for the small amount of tiramisu I traded for a Fruit Loop Crispy Treat (thank you PMTS for forcing me to make 120 of those with half left over). Today seemed a little better, I was able to at least remember the "Specials" in my head. Let's hope my mouth will allow me to spit those out next time.

Going from school to work seems insane since I've now completely skipped dinner two nights in a row. This could be good unless I one day pass out, let's hope it stays good. I know I will get use to it, and until then, I will look at myself in the mirror morning after morning telling myself "You are absolutely crazy for actually enjoying being so busy you take less than a second to breathe".

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